Carers Week

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About Us

Carers UK. We help carers.

Carers UK is a charity set up to help the millions of people who look after an older, disabled or seriously ill family member or friend.

We want society to respect, value and support carers.

We believe that no one should have to care alone.

Carers UK provides information, advice and support for carers. By bringing carers together, we provide a stronger voice which shapes our campaigns to make life better for carers and influences policy makers, employers and service providers, to help them improve carers' lives.

At some point in our lives every one of us will be involved in looking after an older relative, a sick friend or a disabled family member. 6.5 million people in the UK are caring right now but whilst caring is part and parcel of life, without the right support the personal costs of caring can be high.

Caring can take its toll on your finances, your health, your career and your family and your social life. Carers can fall out of paid work and many rely on low-level benefits, and face severe financial hardship.

Yet without unpaid carers our NHS would collapse and the country would face a £119 billion care bill it cannot afford. Carers are contributing so much to their communities by looking after the people they love, yet in return they face ignorance, isolation and little or no support. This has to stop. It cannot be fair that those who contribute so much are valued so little. Carers UK wants society to respect, value and support carers.

Carers UK:

  • Improves the understanding of caring through our research and awareness campaigns, such as Carers Rights Day and Carers Week
  • Gives carers a stronger voice and campaigns to make life better for carers
  • Provides expert advice and information to carers and new ways to improve support
  • Brings carers together to provide carer to carer support through our network of branches, volunteers and online forum.

Carers UK is a charity of carers, with carers, for carers. Set up in the 1960s, carer involvement is part of our DNA. The majority of our Trustees are carers, elected by our members and help run the organisation. Our structure of Carers Northern Ireland, Carers Wales and Carers Scotland, together with Carers UK means we can make a difference right across the country.

Over the past 50 years, Carers UK has led the carers' movement and been behind the first ever benefits and legal rights for carers. With an ageing population and people living longer with disability, the number of carers is rising - from 6.4 million today to 9 million in 30 years, with the number caring round the clock rising fastest.

With growing demand for our services, Carers UK is focused on achieving the maximum impact for carers with the help and generosity of our supporters, donors and partners. With your help we can make a difference for today's and future generations of carers.